Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Continuing to Serve

District Conference was super! A great experience! I did ok on the piano in the priesthood session, and I was nervous as I could ever be! Super hard!
I have to tell you that I think I have biked about 80 kilometers since Sunday. On Sunday we went way out to visit a recent convert, and it was like a 45 minute to an hour bike ride over the bridge and out! But it was so beautiful out there, so green. And, I guess to answer your question, we passed like 3 wats. Wats are also cemetaries. We were pretty close to Vietnam! Ha ha! We think that our area goes to the border of Vietnam... interesting to think how close we are.
We went to a little wat place about a 20 to 30 minute bike ride up the road to look around this morning :)

They are super cool! I think that there are wats all over the country.  They were way cool monkeys! There are lots of monks here too, and the monks live at the wats, so it's interesting.

I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING :D I FOUND REAL MILK!!!! REAL YUMMY MILK! I bought some, but I won't buy it very often because it was $4 for 2 liters... pretty expensive. That is like 6 meals... But it's soooo good! I did find an alternative to milk, it's soy milk, and they make it sweet, and it is pretty close to real milk. Super yummy and good to drink with breakfast. And way cheaper. You buy it in 1/2 liter water bottles for 25 cents!
Did I tell you that I had to speak in church again? I spoke on the road to happiness. On the last Sunday of July. Goodness! I think we rotate through all the members in the ward every month when it comes to speakers, ha ha! When you are in a personal setting, they tell you really loudly if you read a word wrong, and you are not allowed to read anymore, cause they'll say the word over and over again until you say it right, ha ha! It's pretty funny! But it is a good thing that they help you so much.